Correcting The Obvious Stupidity

So I've finally corrected one of those things that I've somehow missed for...well, I don't know how long.  And it was so stinking obvious...anyway, I finally added a link to Seth Godin's blog to the links section.  And the REAL problem is that I don't read Seth's blog as often as I should...  Now I don't have an excuse...  It's linked here on my blog, so I don't have an excuse.

Seth is my hero for presentations.  He uses like 100 slides for his 30 minute talks.  Now, I do like 30 minute talks and I use like...10 slides... um... So, yeah, I get it, he does the same talk over and over and I think I would get fired if I did that, but, still - images are engaging - and they engage a VERY different part of the brain than the ears that are hearing words - often to reinforce words - that's why we use images.  Yes, some of the images are kind of throwaway images (and if you see Seth Godin's talks, some of his are kind of throwaway, too) but some of them are really memorable - like this:

or this:

Of course, he's pretty memorable himself:
So I've read some of his books - and I want to read several others - go buy one, you won't regret it.

Anyway, that's my point for today.

Oh, and look for more images in the future... Heh....


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