Did He Really Mean What He Said?

Quote from an article here

 Here’s publishing’s dirty little secret: most books are not worth finishing. Most books could be cut in half and you wouldn’t miss a thing.

That's from this guy:

Michael Hyatt, Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishing which is like the hugest Christian publisher in the world or something.

Which begs the question in my mind...  Why not cut the books in half then?

Read the article.  I'm not taking anything out of context here.  He says there are too many great books out there to get bogged down reading merely good good books.  And mostly he's talking about saving time.  Yeah, I get it.  But he's the world's largest Christian book publisher - and he's saying that most books published should only be half as long...so, again, why aren't they?

I don't know Michael Hyatt.  This is actually more about the nature of the internet and the need to produce continual content that we too often think is disposable content...but it's not.  Side comments, the kind of statements we used to make off the cuff with a diet Coke in our hand at the backyard barbecue are now bullet point #2 in a tweet - that becomes a blog post...that becomes a headline (if you're, you know, somebody famous...and not, say, me) that becomes an embarrassment that your handlers have to "spin" for you... via twitter, of course...

And never mind the fact that we forget social** media is forever.  And we say and do stupid things.  And then post them on Facebook, YouTube, blogs and we tweet them for all the world to read...  And there are no takebacks anymore.


You say it.  And you post it.  And it really is forever - somewhere, someone has it.  Or can get it, if they really want it.

There's a guy who has been trying to trying to sue Mark Zuckerberg saying he is co-owner of Facebook or somesuch - but he's tried to fake the documentation.  Emails, faxes, etc.  He's chemically treated documents...but that's all oldschool stuff.  It's the digital age, baby, and there's way too digital trails to try to cover up and even if you had the resources of somebody like Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs or Bill Gates...I don't know if you could really do it completely, regardless of what Hollywood tries to tell us...

So...that's the rant for today.

The internet... Yeah, it's forever. ****

**ESPECIALLY #3, #6, #10, #16, #17, #19, #20, #3, it bears repeating #3, really, #3...we don't want to hear about it.  EVER.... Seriously
****  I'm told that Blogger is dead...'cause nobody reads more than 140 characters these days...sigh... probably true - maybe that's the REAL reason why most books are twice as long as they need to be - books really should be tweets...


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