Living Bridges - More To This Life

I know I've just scratched the surface with this idea of Living Bridges.  The images, when I first saw them, captured my imagination, and I wanted to begin processing the ideas here.  This is a place for ideas - for the temporary and the transient - to brainstorm and think out loud and welcome others into the thought process.'s like a living bridge, too, kind of...

The realization that there's more to this life than me occurs to everyone at some point, right?

Wikipedia's Questionable List of Philathopists

Nobel Prize

Bill & Melinda Gates

Warren Buffett


Yeah, I could go on and on.  But that's been the point of faith...well, from the beginning, right?  God said of Adam, "It is not good for the man to be alone."

Jesus said, "Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do to Me." Among other things like, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself."

Living Bridges are the connections that we make with the people around us because there's more to this life than just me.  And, as Christ Followers, because of the love and grace God has poured into us, we live into others' lives.  We connect, because in Christ, God has built a living bridge in us.


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