Melted Mountains

I found this image on Morguefile* and, though I changed the background (it's a "sandcastle" and there was an out of focus kid in the background), when I saw it I thought:

"That's a world I wish I could explore."

And I, yeah, I actually can.

That can be the Melted Mountains of Arias where Princess Emily and Umpleby and Fluffy have to go to escape from the Wood Witch in the stories that I tell the girls at night.

Or the Dragon Mountains where, as the name implies, the dragons live in the world of Daen Ral.

Or they are the Mountains of the Gerian Monks  who live in utter silence, for whom speaking is a sin and to whom the sound of wind carries the sounds of prophecies.

Or the Halls of the Grey Watchers who wait for the return of the True King...

Images inspire all kinds of ideas, don't they?  I love just surfing the 'net for pictures and artwork and inspiration...

What is this place?


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