What Are...

Pre-Pork Rind... on the hoof
We just saw a commercial for...was it really?... batter dipped pork rinds?  Anyway, Rachel asked, "What are pork rinds?"

"Deep fried pig skin," says I, wise in the ways of junk food.

"Yuk.  Who would eat that?"

"Um...  Apparently, a lot of people.  Not me, though..."

And so I did Extensive Research* and found out I was pretty much right...and convinced that I will, in fact, not ever eat pork rinds in the future** (not that I've ever eaten them in the past, though, either).

* Does anybody even use encyclopedias anymore?
** Not that I'm opposed to deep fried animal skin, 'cause deep fried turkey skin is mmmmmm... but pork rind just sounds so...gross for some reason...bleah....


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