Comic Commentary Week: 1

click to see all of it*

So I'm of two minds here.  First, it's, yeah, so you changed the diaper, so what?  But Darryl's a pretty good dad, so it's not like it's the only time he's done that or he's making a big announcement looking for praise and verification.  It's one of those everyday conversational items that everybody seems to take the wrong way and suddenly you're the butt of sarcasm and feeling like crap.  Hey, this is why I don't talk to you people, okay?

Second, is it too small a thing to acknowledge that someone did something?  Here's the breakdown in our culture.  We no longer appreciate one another.  I'm fairly certain that when I took my vows at my wedding they included words like, "love, honor and cherish."  Nothing honoring or cherishing about that response. Didn't Paul say that we should "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ"? And then he talks about wives submitting to their husbands and respecting their husbands and husbands loving their wives like Christ loved the church, laying his life down?  Look, even if the guy is looking to hailed as a hero, if you're holding your spouse in higher esteem than yourself, guess what?  You thank them for the everyday things they do for you.

The truth is, though, we husbands are way worse at this than wives, typically.  And maybe it's getting better, I don't know.  I know that in previous generations, husband comes home from work and dinner darn well better be on the table and the house clean and blah, blah, blah and not a thank you in sight... But that's not the world we live in today.  

But I wonder... Have we gone too far the other way?  Instead of being grateful for each other, are we just cold to each other now?  

Are Darryl and Wanda Everycouple?  

*I forgot to save the date, but copyright belongs to Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott, no infringement intended


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