Be Thou My Vision...or You Are My Vision...

Rend Collective Experiment does this great version of Be Thou My Vision - but they've changed the words (well, I don't know if they changed the words - SOMEBODY changed the words) to be updated from "Be Thou" to "You Are" and lots of other little changes from Be Thou my vision from any of the traditional versions I know.

I LOVE - I mean absolutely LOVE the musical arrangement (it's even better in the studio recording, in my opinion) - but I so want to hear the words I know - either the very traditional words, or the United Methodized* words - whatever - it's just jarring for me as is...

Anyway, here's RCE with "You Are My Vision":

Oh, cool, I found somebody posted the studio version too:

Now I'm not sure which I like better :)

*Yeah, in the UM Hymnal we've conflated a couple verses to get rid of being "I Thy true son" after all, not everybody is a son, you know?  Sigh...  And gotten rid of some other, probably offensive to someone, language from some other verses...argh...


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