The Unhelpful Question

"Did you find everything you needed?"

"No, actually, you didn't have what we came here for."

"Oh, I'm sorry.  That'll be $39.44."

EVERY cashier these days is trained to ask the seemingly helpful question, "Did you find everything you needed today?" (or some variant).  But they almost never mean it.  The above exchange actually took place a week or so ago* between my wife and a cashier at a Big Store.  She searched the store for the particular item, asked for help, it couldn't be located, she was told they could order it and have it in by next week.  No, she says.  Then, checking out, the above exchange took place.

Now, the people on the floor were somewhat helpful (well, read on) but my point here is, why have the cashiers ask the question if you are not prepared to have them answer it - if they don't have the willingness, authority or ingenuity to solve my problem if I say, no, I didn't in fact find everything I needed?

Just don't ask the question.  I'd rather you asked, "How are you?" or made some other simple observation like "I like your shoes," or "Nice day, huh?"  Heck, you could even say, "Those are ugly shoes," I really don't care.  Feel free to pitch me a sales flyer, show me your new and improved widget, tell me about a special offer on Victorian Era fly catching bottles.  I con't care.   Just don't offer something you have absolutely no intention of following through on...

And I probably wouldn't care so much**, but there's a cashier at our local Tops Grocery Store who asks, "Did you find everything today?" and she really means it.  Lori has said, "Well, no, I couldn't find..." something.  She has actually left the register in search of the item or the reason why it wasn't where it should be.  Over the top?  Maybe.  But that's Lori's favorite cashier.  I bet she'd choose her lane rather than a shorter lane most days.

Oh, and that item the Big Store didn't have.  Lori came home and ordered it online a day or two later*** and had it shipped to the store.  And the website said it would be ready to pick up at the 20 minutes... Sigh...

Unhelpful question indeed...

UPDATE: (sigh) - So Lori ordered the item, which was "available for pickup in 20 minutes."  Two days later took the printed order confirmation to the store.  Nope, the item in question is not there.  Wait a minute.  We'll check the back room again.  Nope, sorry.  Wait, we can look somewhere else.  No.  Wait, someone has another idea.  30 or 40 minutes later, an employee came carrying two of the particular item saying, "They were in the wrong place in the store the whole time."  


Did you find everything you need... well, sort of.  As long as you put it where it's supposed to be... or as long as I didn't need somebody who knows where things are...

Not bitter, just frustrated...

*Ok, so I don't remember the exact total - and here's the problem with the unhelpful question - you didn't find what you wanted?  We don't really care, you bought stuff anyway... Thanks for your business.  Come back soon.  Or not.  We don't really care...

**No, that's not true.  I've blogged about Customer Service before.  Twice.

***After asking me to order it, but I forgot.  Twice.  'Cause that's who I am...


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