Comic Commentary Week Deux: 3

Click to enlarge - copyright 2012 Kirkman & Scott

This is SO true... at least for me.  I am more than willing to take the girls to things, to do what they need done... but half the time I'm clueless on exactly what I need to do.  Where, when, how, how long?  I got nothin'...  Oh, I've been able to take them to the park, yeah... But I'm constantly forgetting...sunscreen at the pool (or a towel) or the birthday gift for the birthday party I'm taking a child to or whatever.  I was just like Darryl when either girl was a baby* - I'd forget the diaper bag or it wasn't packed or no hat or coat or something...

"Is Hammie allowed on the monkey bars?"  Oh, yeah, and I ALWAYS needed to know what the girls were allowed to do...  Sometimes Lori and I have had different ideas of what's permissible and what's not and I've always believed that we need to establish that as best we can - so I'd try to think of things ahead of time and ask those kind of questions (not because I'm incapable of deciding for myself - but because this is a partnership - let's figure this out together...)

And it's not just that I'm inattentive...I don't think.  My brain just...stops at some things.  In my defense, I forget my OWN stuff just as often.**  I don't know.  Maybe it's a more common "guy thing" - I mean, there must be SOMETHING to it if it's common enough to put in a comic strip, right?

But...does "common" make it right?  Of course not.  But it does make it more understandable, maybe...

*We have a picture of Rachel as a baby - I was tasked with getting her dressed and taking her to the photo studio for pictures.  I did EVERYTHING right, the pictures are gorgeous...except... you can clearly see on the bottoms of her shoes L on her right foot and R on her left foot...sigh...
**When I was leading youth retreats up at Wesley Woods Camp, every year I would forget something - shampoo, razor, something - I didn't take a pillow one year - slept with my coat as a pillow, didn't take a bath towel one year - dried off with a sheet - ask me how that worked out... I forget grocery lists, important dates, you name it... my brain is full.  I have thought about doing a post on memory but...I keep forgetting...


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