Thursday Theology

I had a whole thing on here about false prophets...but it was the same old stuff again.

So I erased it.

Somebody asked me yesterday if it's hard to get motivated because I'm a short timer now. Well, I guess in some ways it is. I think I'm a little in denial about moving - I haven't packed very many boxes and the trucks are going to be here in four weeks and counting.

How do you keep going when you just don't feel like it?

Oh, not that this is a big obstacle or anything. I mean, me being in a funk isn't anything like, oh, Mother Teresa having days of doubt or whatever. But I think there comes a point in our faith lives where, well, the fire is just a burning ember, the passion is a bit cooled.

So what do you do? I mean, it's not like you can ask What Would Jesus Do? His passion never cooled... And I've been reading Acts and it's not like the Apostles flagged...

Well, Paul had his thorn in the flesh... And in Philippians he kind of wanted to die...or at least he was ready to die - though he rallied in the letter and says he believed that he had too much to do to die just yet...still, "to live is Christ but to die is gain" - I think he might have been in a funk that day, too.

And then he goes on to write this great hymn of praise to Christ - yeah, maybe he didn't compose it, maybe he did. But my point is, I guess, that when in a funk he turned to adoration - to praise. No begging to feel better or whining about how unfair the Roman guards are. He worships God, adores the Christ, he's full of the Holy Spirit.

It's a pretty good lesson. When David's son died, he washed up, eat something, and worshipped. What else can we do? We were created to worship.

So here's my de-funking attempt - a hymn to Christ that I didn't write - but I'm singing in my heart right now...

Rich Mullins
They say You walked upon the water once
When you lived as all men do
Please teach me how to walk the way You did
Because I want to walk with You
They say you taught a lame man how to dance
When he had never stood without a crutch
Well, here am I Lord, holding out my withered hands
And I'm just waiting to be touched
Write me into Your story
Whisper it to me
And let me know I'm Yours
hey say You spoke and calmed an angry wave
That was tossed across a stormy sea
Please teach me how to listen, how to obey
'Cause there's a storm inside of me
Write me into Your story
Whisper it to me
And let me know I'm Yours
They drove the cold nails through Your tired hands
And rolled a stone to seal Your grave
Feels like the devil's rolled a stone onto my heart
Can You roll that stone away?


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