So If You Hate Star Wars... can skip this post (but I simply DON'T understand how that's possible).

A moment of fridge logic occurred to me while Elie was watching Star Wars (no, NOT episode IV A New Hope, dangit, it was just Star Wars when it came out and that's still what I call kids, get off my lawn...)

So when the R5 unit blows up after Luke's uncle buys if from the Jawas, See-Threepio says, "Excuse me, sir, but that R2 unit is in prime condition. A real bargain."

So then later, when Luke is trying to get Artoo to play back the whole message, Threepio says, " Quite frankly, sir I don't know what he's talking about. Our last master was Captain Antilles, but with what we've been through, this little R2 unit has become a bit eccentric."

After Artoo has run away, Threepio says, "That R2 unit has always been a problem. These astro-droids are getting quite out of hand. Even I can't understand their logic at times."

And just a few lines later Luke complains, "You know that little droid is going to cause me a lot of trouble."

And Threepio says, "Oh, he excels at that, sir."

What a lying, gold-plated piece of junk. Man, if I were Luke, I would have melted him down on the spot. Oh, take the blue one, he's in, and I quote, "prime condition". Of course he has a flutter, and he's eccentric and he excels at causing trouble...but otherwise, prime condition.

Misrepresentation. Like so many things in life, Artoo-Detoo isn't exactly what he's first said to be. The grass is always greener, right? The new job will be more money and less work, right? Whatever - I don't feel like making any kind of deep points today - just struck me as I was listening to the movie when Elie was watching it...


Michael Airgood said…
I really thought their names were R2D2 and 3CPO. Are they really spelled out like that? I've never seen any of the movies, of course, and probably should have skipped this post - but I do so much look forward to reading everything you write.
Pastor Bill said…
Yes - their names are alphanumeric - but in the script when they're called by name, they are spelled out. Go figure.

I forgot that you hadn't seen (and won't, darn it) the movies. Yeah, not a lot of wisdom in this - deeper waters coming, though, I promise.

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