He Could Be Talking To Churches

Today, Seth Godin writes this on his blog today:

If you're going to count on the competition to bring out your best work, you've surrendered control over your most important asset. Real achievement comes from racing ahead when no one else sees a path--and holding back when the rush isn't going where you want to go.
If you're dependent on competition then you're counting on the quality of those that show up to determine how well you'll do. Worse, you've signed up for a career of faux death matches as the only way to do your best work.
Self motivation is and always will be the most important form of motivation. Driving with your eyes on the rear view mirror is exhausting. It's easier than ever to measure your performance against others, but if it's not helping you with your mission, stop.

I can't help but hear that as a challenge to churches to JUST STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO THE CHURCH DOWN THE STREET.  Who cares if they have a great choir/ youth band/ coffee shop/ children's program/ youth pastor/ drama team/ chef/ LED church sign/ better looking or funnier or more spiritual pastor/ funky red door/ whatever?  What do YOU have to offer to build the Kingdom of God?  THAT'S WHAT MATTERS, DANGIT!  Yes, I'm typing in all caps today...sorry...

Really, it's just as true in churches as it is in business.  If your eyes are on the rearview mirror all the time, you'll never see where you're going.  In fact, Jesus had something to say about that...

Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family.”
Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
Be original.  Be bold.  Lead.  Reach.  Proclaim.  The Kingdom is at hand!


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