I'm One Of the Cool Kids!

Last Thursday, reacting to Steve Jobs' announcement that he was leaving as the head of Apple, DorkTower posted this:

I was telling Lori that I remembered the Newton, though I thought it came out earlier than it did (really, like around 1990?**) and how the strip said something about the Newton and being one of the "six people who get the reference..."

And I said, "I got it.  I remembered the Newton. I'm one of the six.  I'm one of the cool kids."

And she said, "It was on DorkTower.  One of the cool kids?  Really?"

And I said... "Um...okay...yeah, I'm...one of the six...really nerdy people who remembers the Newton."

But in light of tomorrow's post****, this is my tribe.******  These are my people.  And, yes, I was happy to be one of the "in people" on DorkTower.  Even if I'm not, as Lori was so very quick, yet gentle, to point out, "one of the cool kids."

If you don't get, you don't get it.  And that's okay.

**Though I might have heard about it around 1986 or so, which I thought I was in high school when I first heard about the Newton...but memory is a tricky thing...
****Which I wrote three days ago - the internet makes time travel possible.
******Seth Godin talks about Tribes in this book


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