From Dork Tower

So - this is from Dork Tower, one of my favorite online comics (it's mostly about geek culture, but once in a while there's something more universal). Anyway, here's a link to the actual post (spend a few hours reading archives...if you dare...heh). Friday March 19

It piqued my interest because I just saw my friend Aaron with his two boys and I remembered him saying (I thought at first it was on his blog...but I can't find it anywhere) that when they were waiting to adopt their second little boy they were a little freaked out - Corban was, I think, 2 years old when he came home but Tobiah would be a baby - and they were like first time parents waiting for their second child. And I still remember all those fears (both times) and hopes and wonderings and flipping outs (okay, is that even a phrase?)... Well, anyway, here's Dork Tower:


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