Holy Week - Thursday

Maundy*** Thursday - Holy Thursday

This is the night Jesus was betrayed - technically, it could have been Wednesday night, as we reckon time in the Western world. There's another obvious break for Mark - he says, "On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb..." yet...John says that Jesus is crucified on the day of the preparation for passover (John 19) argh...

So, it's the night of the Last Supper - Jesus institutes this meal in remembrance of the sacrifice he is about to make. I just read through the four Gospel accounts of Maundy Thursday and I'm struck by something.

Judas is there.

Jesus washes the disciples' feet - Judas is there. Jesus says this is my blood, my body. Judas is there. Jesus indicates that he knows not only who will betray him (and deny him), but what that betrayal entails ("What you are about to do, do quickly...")

And I know I couldn't do that. Sometimes it wears on you when people just don't like you - nevermind trying to betray you and kill you...

But...is Jesus' body broken and his blood spilled even for...Judas?

I'm sure I could go into all kind of stuff about whether or not Judas would receive the grace that Jesus offers...but...do you think he did offer forgiveness even to Judas?

I know I couldn't - just one more reminder of why I'm not God (heh...imagine THAT, if you can...).

Yet...the redemption that Jesus died for was for all of creation...even Judas...

*** No, not Maunday Thursday - it's from the Latin mandatum "command" from John 13, "A new command I give you, that you love one another..." which Jesus spoke on Thursday, in the upper room, the night of his betrayal... So...yeah...


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