New Word Wednesday

Gotta love the German language (Mark Twain once said, "Some German words are so long they have a perspective.")

schadenfreude (SHAAD-n-froi-duh) noun

Pleasure derived from others' misfortunes.

[From German Schadenfreude, from Schaden (damage, harm) + Freude (joy).]

"He (Bob Carr) would be only human to feel a touch of Schadenfreude if his state's problems were to cost Latham the election."
Miranda Devine; The Pressure is on Latham; The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia); Sep 2, 2004.

"Part of the attraction of the first seasons was Schadenfreude -- the joy in watching filmmakers suffer and struggle when they got their big chance. As the New York Sun newspaper put it in a headline 'Bad Film = Good TV'."
Peter Henderson; Reality TV 'Project Greenlight' Has New Goal: Money; Reuters; Aug 6, 2004.


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